Bandit FirePlace incl. shelves PaperPlank black
Art.Nr.: 19931
Available, delivery time 2-5 days
% €1,249.90* (4% saved)Available, delivery time 2-5 days
Impressions & Features
Der Bandit Fireplace ist deine Feuerstelle im Garten!
SpektakulärMit hochwertigen Edelstahlgrillrost wird er zum Grill.
PlanchagrillenMit der gusseisernen Feuerplatte ist es der perfekte Feuerplattengrill.
Die umlaufenden Ablagebretter bieten Platz zum Abstellen von Getränken & Zutaten.
Der ausgelaserte Moesta-BBQ Stier sorgt für flammende Grillabende und entsprechende Belüftung. Der Cortenstahl sorgt für Langlebigkeit.
EinzigartigDie BBQ-Disk verzieht nicht dank extra Verstrebungen!
BenutzerfreundlichDie stufenlose Einstellung der BBQ-Disk ermöglicht die Einstellung der Neigung an 3 Punkten.
DurchdachtDie Asche fällt über den Trichter in die Ascheschublade.
AusgezeichnetAusgezeichnet mit dem Plus X Award in 4 Kategorien.
SauberEinfach die Ascheschublade entnehmen und die Reste entsorgen.
Product description
The BBQ Disk produces great even heat and different temperature zones. A normal steel plate becomes either a "volcano" or a "funnel" when used, as steel expands when hot. With the "volcano", the oil on the plate spills out onto your patio. With the "funnel", it runs directly into the embers and creates constant stinging flames.
The height adjustment allows you to adjust the inclination of the BBQ Disk to 3 positions and bring it perfectly into balance. The oil remains on the disc, as with any good pan. The surrounding rim ensures that no oil can drip down the edge.
1 x Shelf PaperPlank black
Technical Details
Diameter body: 553 mm
Thickness body: 1,5 mm
Diameter base: 600
Height: 898 mm
Diameter logo: 256 mm
Height of base: 307 mm
Material: powder-coated steel
Diameter: 972 mm
Thickness: 32 mm
Material: stainless steel
Diameter: 540 mm
Thickness: 6 mm
Material: stainless steel
Diameter: 503 mm
Thickness: 6 mm
Distance: 150 mm
Total diameter: 1100 mm
Board thickness: 25 mm
Depth: 150 mm
Width: 705 mm (at the outer edge)
Moesta BBQX 
The BBQ Disk produces great even heat and different temperature zones. A normal steel plate becomes either a "volcano" or a "funnel" when used, as steel expands when hot. With the "volcano", the oil on the plate spills out onto your patio. With the "funnel", it runs directly into the embers and creates constant stinging flames.
The height adjustment allows you to adjust the inclination of the BBQ Disk to 3 positions and bring it perfectly into balance. The oil remains on the disc, as with any good pan. The surrounding rim ensures that no oil can drip down the edge.